
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another Great Day!

A proverb says, "Every day brings forth new challenges."  I had two challenges that I wanted to conquer today. The first challenge was to get Max to step up. Another challenge was to get Max into his pet carrier so I could take the cage outside and thoroughly scrub and disinfect it.

I was not able to get Max to go inside his pet carrier today. His cage is disinfected as best as I can do with him being in there, and is cleaned, but not as clean as I would like. We tried bribing Max into his carrier. My boyfriend grabbed some snap peas for me, and I put them in the carrier, thinking maybe he would see them and go investigate. Boy, was I kidding myself. I think it is going to be a matter of time before Max goes back into the carrier. Perhaps, the only time he saw a carrier is when he was going to a new home. I believe I have to get Max used to the carrier and bring him around positive experiences so he isn't afraid.

However, he did fly to me today--TWICE! He saw me with the snap peas and he flew over and started turning me into a salad buffet again. He is doing a lot better with his flying and landing. Before, he would try to land, but he seemed to wipe out more than land. He actually hovers over me if he doesn't like how his landing is going to look, until I readjust my arm the way he thinks it needs to be. And he decided to climb onto my head as well. See photo below.

I did get Max to step up--only once! But it is a big step! It wasn't even intentional. Max was on the edge of the cage and had one of his feet off the edge, so I placed my arm there and said "Would you like to step up now?" And I moved my arm up under his foot, so he had to lift up a little and he got onto my arm.

Yay! One challenge completed. But tomorrow is a new day. We shall see if Max does this more often. I hope so, he has to go to the vet soon.

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